Annual Fourth of July Boat Parade
4:00pm, Saturday, July 4th, 2020 Same lineup as previously done. Boaters gather in Hideaway Bay at 4:00pm. We're sticking with our new afternoon parade time! This gives family and friends time to spend the day preparing and decorating their boat for the parade during this super busy weekend of the summer. The Fourth of July Boat parade contest is a fun time for families/friends to get together and be creative with their watercraft! Go big or go minimal. It’s just fun to join in and be a part of this event. There are 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners with prizes. The 1st place winners get to be the next year’s judges! So fun! Let’s keep the tradition going and get your themes planned out now! Last years winners, The Knisely Family, will be judging the parade this year. They’ll be passing on the Lake 26 traveling trophy on to this year’s lucky winners! Get your thinking caps on for your boat theme! Always a great time by all! Annual Chinese Mystery Snail Contest (lake association members only) Once again, the Lake 26 Association is offering $100 to the person or family that collects and removes the most snails over the summer. Snail collectors can report their haul (number of pails) at this summer’s annual dinner and the $100 cash prize will be awarded to the snail collector with the most snails! Congrats to last year’s winner, Dave Luka! Currently the only invasive species in our lake is the Chinese mystery snail. They’re the same snails that are used in aquariums. Never release the contents of an aquarium into the lake! Member Association Annual Picnic at Luther Park Camp (lake association members only) 5:00 - 7:00 p.m., Saturday, August 29, 2020 Please join us for our annual dinner at Luther Park Camp. Our organization’s bylaws call for an annual meeting, but it’s also just fun to get together for great food with lake neighbors. Beer, wine, and soft drinks will be provided. Adults are $12; children are $6. Pre-register or pay at the door; Saturday, August 29, Luther Park Camp We had such a success with the silent auction the past few years that we are bringing it back! We raised about $588 for our association through great auction items all donated by lake members. If you have a special skill with crafts, cooking, woodworking, etc. and would like to donate items, please give us a shout and we’ll make sure you can add your goodies to the auction. Last year we had homemade bird houses, blueberries, photographs, pies, Lake 26 hats & can koozies, artwork, candles, etc. Please email Lori Knisely to donate your silent auction item(s); [email protected] Download the Member Association Annual Membership/Picnic Form and send to our Treasurer. Instructions included.
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